Some facts about our lunch system:
  • Lunch Cost: $3.75
  • Each day there will be three entrée options.
  • Only frozen or fresh vegetables will be used. 
  • 100% meat, either beef or turkey, will be provided when possible. Certain prepackaged, processed entrees will have soy added but KM will make a notation on the menu for items that are 100% meat to avoid confusion. 
  • A minimum of 25% of items offered monthly will be made from scratch vs. processed. All made-from-scratch items will be noted on the menu as well.

We also offer Taco Tuesdays and Pasta Thursdays!

Daily orders will be electronically placed in the classroom each morning by each child. Parents at home can print the monthly KMSD menu. Parents deposit money with the school for lunches and will be notified when their account needs replenishing, with notifications going out about every two weeks. If your child takes lunch every day, two weeks of lunches is $37.50. 

Reasons why daily is great 

  • You may have no food in the refridgerator at home
  • Student may be sick; no loss is incurred
  • You will not need to keep track of field trips for ordering
  • You may be out of town unexpectedly; no loss is incurred
  • There is no time to prepare lunch
  • Forgotten lunch? Your child may order hot lunch in the morning.

Free and Reduced Lunch Application

Kettle Moraine offers Free and Reduced Price School Meals to eligible families. Click this link and complete form. Completed form can be emailed to or mailed to the address below.

Kettle Moraine School District

Attn: Jeremy Struss

563 A.J. Allen Cir

Wales, WI 53183

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