Music Ministry

Your talents are God’s gifts to you. What you give in return is your gift to God. Put all those music lessons to work!

Vincent LaTona, Music Director,  or 262-691-2774

Julie Farrell, Children’s Choir,

Lea Boyd, Bell Choir,  or 262-691-9170 X1137

Check out and find the local listing-we’re televised world-wide, and past Sundays are available to watch. Tune in to hear your St. Anthony on the Lake choir provide the music at various Masses throughout the year. 

Music Opportunities and Schedules

School Mass Singers
Register Here!

Our group is open to any singers in grades 3-8 interested in contributing to the music ministry of our parish at school liturgies. St. Anthony on the Lake Music Ministry youth programs offer opportunities for young people to enrich their musical, social, emotional, and leadership skills through music, prayer, and ensemble participation. We are committed to fostering a love for musical participation in various avenues of parish life and to helping our members develop closer relationships with God as well as positive, self-confident attitudes that go beyond our group.

If you have any questions about Laudate Choir or School Mass Singers, please contact Julie Farrell, Children’s Choir Director at

Parish Youth Choir

St. Anthony parish members in grades 3 through 8 sing for weekend Masses and the Lessons and Carols prayer service in December. Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 pm.

For more information contact Julie Farrell at

Teen Praise Ensemble

St. Anthony parish members in grades 6 through 12 provide music for a variety of Masses and special events. Rehearsals vary depending on student availability.

For more information contact Julie Farrell at


For those called to proclaim God’s word in song. Proclaims the psalm and leads the assembly in song at Mass. Rehearsal CDs are provided at regularly scheduled meetings. Must be a member of the adult choir. Please contact Vince LaTona for schedule information at

Funeral Choir

Rehearses occasionally Saturday mornings. Sings on an as-needed basis. Rehearses a few times a year, and prior to funerals. Contact Vincent LaTona at 262-691-1173 x1109 or for more information.

Hand Bells

For musicians in middle school and older. Practices on Saturdays prior to Christmas,Easter, and other major feasts and celebrations. Prior experience or ability to read music is appreciated, but not necessary. Contact Lea Boyd at with questions. 


For musicians able to enhance our worship experience with their musical gifts. Musicians of all kinds are encouraged to accompany at Mass. Rehearsals vary. Various styles of music welcome!

Contact Vincent LaTona at 262-691-1173 x1109 or for more information.

School Mass Singers
Bell Choir
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