We meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the parish meeting room at 7 p.m. For more information about our services please contact Ann Wolfe at wolfe.ad23@gmail.com, 262-346-1649.
Meal Program: Help serve a meal to low income families in Milwaukee. Individuals and families with children over 8 years of age are welcome. Thank you so much for your continued help in this worthwhile program.
Mini Vinnie: We serve the St. Vincent de Paul Mini Vinnies three times per week in Waukesha! The box holds approximately 50-60 cans/jars plus assorted boxed dinners and cereals. We have been unable to fill the bin on a weekly basis with some volunteers continuing to purchase items on their own for the bin. Thank you so much for your past generosity and please continue to support this very needed cause in our Waukesha neighborhood!
Many thanks again for your continued support! Please place in the bin marked SVdP Mini Vinnie.
For more information please see the St. Vincent de Paul website.
Inspired by Gospel values, the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP) is a Catholic lay organization that embraces all works of charity and justice to serve the needs of the poor and needy in our community. When individuals call the parish for help, the St. Vincent de Paul Society responds with a home visit to discern the individual’s needs. SVdP is able to provide financial assistance as well as referrals to other organizations and institutions that may be of help.
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