Family Promise

Family Promise of Western Waukesha County is a collaborative congregational and community effort linking existing resources together to provide cost effective shelter, meals and support services to local homeless children and their families, assisting them to achieve and sustain independence.

Family Promise of Waukesha County exists to "help homeless families with children regain and retain their independence."

Family Promise of Waukesha County works in partnership with faith-based communities and other groups to provide free room and board for up to 90 days. During this time, guests work with their case manager at their Day Center to assist families to connect to other local resources, develop life skills, locate housing and secure sufficient income and benefits to reestablish and sustain their own home. They then follow up with these families for one year after departing the shelter to help them keep their home and flourish.

If you have questions about Family Promise or would like to become involved in supporting them, please contact Tom Bohmann at

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