The meetings are typically held the second Monday of the month. All school parents/guardians are welcome to attend the meetings, however if you have an item you would like to discuss please email the us at one week prior to the scheduled meeting night with the topic you would like to discuss, so you can be added to the agenda.
The School Advisory Commission needs you! Many hands make for lighter work! Please come and see what we are all about!
Chair: Liz Udovich
Vice: Lindsey Mueller
Secretary: Holly Walter
Treasurer: Chris Gries
Ashley Packee -2019-2025 (second term)
Chris Gries- 2022-2025
Liz Udovich-2022-2025
Kristie Hall-2022-2025
Holly Walter-2022-2025
Levi Boehrig-2023-2026 - Pastoral Council Liaison
Jen Schwartz-2023-2026
Molly Wint-2023-2026
Amy Tischer-2023-2026
Ashley Zenefski 2024-2027
Lindsey Mueller 2021-2027 (second term)
Theresa Brennan 2024-2027
Charlotte Carlson 2024-2027
Katie O’Rouke 2024-2027
Kim Knippel- ad hoc
Amanda Klein- ad hoc
Marlo Dentice-Johnson- ad hoc
The School Advisory Commission meets as part of the Parish Common Leadership Night 6 times a year. The meetings are typically held the second Monday of the month. All school parents/guardians are welcome to join or attend any of our open meetings. Meeting dates can be found on our Parish Calendar.
School Advisory Commission Bylaws, Responsibilities, and Operational Norms
The School Advisory Commission (SAC) serves as an advisory body. As such, the SAC may make recommendations to the pastor or principal, but the SAC has no final decision-making authority. Furthermore, the Pastoral Council does not approve or veto recommendations of the SAC to the pastor or principal.
The principal views the SAC as an integral part of the school community and uses the SAC as a consultative body to further the mission of the school. The principal and SAC engage in open, honest discourse at meetings, and once a decision or course of action has been reached, all parties present a unified front to the community.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Liz Udovich, current chair, at
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