Human Concerns

“Christ has …no hands, no feet on earth but yours” - St. Teresa of Avila

As the hands and feet of Christ, the Human Concerns committee brings “…glad tidings to the poor...liberty to captives ...sight to the blind and let the oppressed go free." (Luke 4:18)

We seek to build relationships and grow in faith by promoting peace and justice and seeing and serving Christ in others in accord with Sacred Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching.

Meet Your Human Concerns Committee Members
  • Terry Robinson, Human Concerns Coordinator
  • Kate Burke, Chair
  • Levi Boehrig - Parish Council Liaison
  • Cindy Bauer
  • Clare Dundon
  • Janet Edwards
  • Jerry Fons
  • Robin Gleason
  • Beth Hurrle
  • Marianne Miller
  • Fr. Mark Payne
  • Kathy Waters

We are always looking for new committee members! If you have questions or concerns about the Human Concerns Committee please contact Coordinator Terry Robinson at or 262-691-1173 X1119.

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