Our Mission is to create and encourage a community growing in lifelong faith formation.
Whether it be the award-winning family-based formation programs, the variety of offerings for adults, like Bible studies and faith-sharing groups, or our opportunities for families with young children, we want to help you explore and deepen your faith, no matter where you are on the journey!
Contact Maureen Michaels at
michaelsm@stanthony.cc or (262) 691-9170 with questions.
St. Anthony’s award winning Family Program is offered either Sunday morning or Monday evening twice a month October through March for families with children in 3K through Grade 11.
Sacraments serve as touchstones in our journey of faith, moments where we celebrate God’s constant desire to reach us where we are and be present in our lives.
From our Early Childhood Programs through our Adult Formation programs, your family will find all they need her at St. Anthony on the Lake.
General concerns or inquiries:
Kathie Amidei at amideik@stanthony.cc or (262) 691-9170 X1104
Logistics questions:
Lea Boyd at boydl@stanthony.cc or (262) 691-9170 X1314
Billing and Registration: michaelsm@stanthony.cc or (262) 691-9170 X1101
Grade level classes concerns and questions:
Child Care:
Tasha Baures at baurest@stanthony.cc or call (262) 691-9170 X1114
3K - 5K:
Ann Grunwaldt at grunwaldta@stanthony.ccor call (262) 691-9170 X1122
First Reconciliation and First Communion:
Michelle Lukas at lukasm@stanthony.cc or call (262) 691-9170 X1137
Grades 1-8:
Tasha Baures at baurest@stanthony.cc or call (262) 691-9170 X1114
Grades 9-11: Taylor Baar at baart@stanthony.cc or call (262) 691-9170 X1112
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