We hope you can join us at our Lenten Mission, "Go Light Your World," with guest speaker Fr. Joe Laramie, S.J. Please take a look at the events listed below and let us know which events you plan to attend on our Lenten Mission Registration form. This will help us plan for the meals and refreshments, etc. We pray that this will be an enriching and prayerful time together during the Lenten season. Join us!
Friday, April 4
Saturday, April 5
Sunday, April 6 (10:45 a.m. Mass cancelled this day)
Monday, April 7
Tuesday, April 8
Fr. Laramie is a Jesuit Priest, National Director of the Pope's Prayer Network, and author of several articles and spiritual books including, "Love Him Ever More," which won a National Book Award with a Silver Medal in Spirituality.
Learn more about Fr. Joe here. Fr. Laramie is a National Eucharistic Preacher and will invite us all to reflect and pray on the ways we go forth from receiving Christ in the Eucharist to be Christ to others in this third and final year of the National Eucharistic Revival.
Mission Team: Thanks to those who are a part of this year's Mission Planning Team:
Kathie Amidei | Taylor Baar | Tasha Baures | Lea Boyd | Kate Burke | Lisa Diebold | Laurie Ellis | Matt Ellis | Ann Fons | Ann Grunwaldt Debbie Kusch | Vince LaTona | Tina L'Empereur | Al McCauley | Fr. Mark Payne | Terry Robinson | Megan Sheehan | Marty Van Hulle | Fr. Tony Zimmer
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