Pastoral Care Ministries

Sharing Christ’s Love in Service to Others

As disciples of Jesus, we are called to comfort, care for and reach out to our brothers and sisters. The Pastoral Care ministries offered here at St. Anthony on the Lake serve to support our parishioners and local community through the daily challenges, transitions and difficulties that arise throughout our lives. We hope this listing of our many offerings will help you to discover how our parish can support you or someone you know. 

Key Contact Persons for Pastoral Care Ministries:

Kris Ponzi, Parish Administrative Assistant, or 262-691-1173

Homebound Communion Visits

Parishioners bring communion to members of our parish who cannot be present to worship with us in person. Volunteers visit hospitals, assisted living facilities and personal residences. If you or a loved one is in need of this ministry, whether on a short or long-term basis, or if you would like to be involved as a Homebound Communion Minister, please contact our Parish Office at or  262-691-1173.

Local Communion Services

Parishioners trained by the pastor conduct communion services at area assisted living and long term care facilities. Please contact the Parish Office at for more information on this ministry.

Divorced and Separated Group

Parishioners experiencing the challenges of marriage separation and divorce meet on a regular basis to offer and receive support. Currently, the group is working with the program from Ascension Press. For more information, please contact Maureen Michaels in the Faith Formation Office at

Pastoral Counseling or Spiritual Direction

Our parish is fortunate to enjoy numerous individuals who are trained in pastoral counseling or spiritual direction and can offer a safe space for exploring spiritual questions. To pursue pastoral counseling, please contact our Parish Office at

Anointing of the Sick

Our pastor and assisting priests are regularly called on to administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. If you or a loved one is seeking this, please contact the main office line at (262) 691-1173 as soon as possible and speak with our parish secretary. Anointing of the Sick a sacrament offered for anyone in need of strengthening, Viaticum and Prayers for the Dying (often referred to as “Last Rites”) are generally offered at the end of life. In the case of an off-hours emergency, please use the pastoral emergency line at (262) 370-0826. 


St. Anthony on the Lake mourns the loss and celebrates the lives of those parishioners and family members who have died. We strive to serve the needs of the surviving family and friends in a number of ways:

Funeral Planning, Luncheons and Hospitality: Families are encouraged to contact the parish office as soon as possible to make funeral arrangements. 

Bereavement Outreach: All families who have celebrated a funeral with our parish receive periodic cards, articles and other simple messages of support at various holidays, anniversaries and other noteworthy dates. 

Mass of Remembrance

This annual mass celebrates all those parishioners and friends lost during the course of the past year. The Mass of Remembrance takes place during the first week of November. Information on this event is shared through the bulletin and families who celebrated a funeral with our parish in during the year are contacted directly. 

Emergency / Crisis Support St. Vincent de Paul

St. Anthony on the Lake enjoys the presence of an active St. Vincent de Paul chapter. Among the many ministries organized by the Vincentians is an emergency and crisis support ministry for those in need of immediate financial or nutritional assistance. Please contact the Parish Office at (262) 691-1173 for these services.

Prayer Ministries

As a community rooted in prayer, our parish seeks to offer prayerful support through the following ministries:

Prayer Shawl: Members of the parish create prayer shawls for individuals seeking the prayerful support of our community. The shawls are created in community, prayed over, and shared. There are offerings for both men and women as well as for children. If you are seeking the comfort of a prayer shawl, please contact Cie Motelet at or (262)-646-4133.

Parish Prayer Chain: To be added to the parish prayer chain please contact Denise Cremer at 262-369-0242 or

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