The annual custom of receiving ashes to mark the beginning of Lent took many centuries to evolve. In this episode, we explore the fascinating history of this symbolic and somber tradition.
- As Catholics, why is it important to remember that we will die?
- Why are Catholics asked to pray, fast, and give during Lent?
- What is the most difficult part about Lent for you? Why?
Why do Catholics eat fish on Fridays? Contrary to conspiracy-theorists claims, the reasons are quite practical, and rooted in Catholic teachings and beliefs.
- Why is Friday significant for Catholics?
- How can you connect your suffering with Christ’s suffering?
- How can you connect your suffering to the suffering of others?
While you’re busy abstaining and fasting from certain foods, here are some culinary suggestions to snack on during Lent.
Why do Catholics give things up during Lent?
What attitudes or practices do you need to fast from?
What spiritual practices or good works might you feast on?
The Stations of the Cross is one of the oldest devotions in the Church; a ritual prayer said to have even been observed by the Blessed Virgin Mary! How did this practice begin, why did it flourish, and what timeless lessons does it offer for believers today?
- Why do you suppose it’s important to recall the suffering and death of Jesus?
- Why do you suppose this prayer is usually prayed during the season of Lent?
- Which of the 14 stations most resonates with you, and why?
- Take a few minutes to contemplate one station a day: imagine yourself in the scene and prayerful consider your reaction to the events that are taking place.
Walking the Labyrinth is a powerful spiritual practice that has its roots in the Church’s history of making pilgrimages.
- How does the labyrinth mirror the journey of life?
- How can walking aid one’s prayer life?
- Why do you suppose walking the labyrinth is so popular during Lent?
Since Medieval times, Wednesday of Holy Week has been connected to the malevolent plotting of Judas. His sneaky actions are a sober reminder for all believers to avoid the shadows of sin.
- What do we recall on each of the days of the Triduum?
- When do you most lurk in the “shadows” of sinfulness?
- In what ways do you betray Christ?
- What might it suggest that Judas was present at the Last Supper?
On Good Friday, the idea of excruciating pain takes on heightened meaning – and reminds us that we have a God who understands our sufferings.
- How can our pain be a source of empathy towards others?
- How can you serve others and help them with the difficulties they are experiencing?
At Jesus’ trial, Pontius Pilate offered to the crowd a choice of convicted criminals to be released: Jesus or Barabbas. Who was this enigmatic insurrectionist chosen over Jesus, and what can we learn from this fateful choice?
- How do you daily choose Jesus – the “Son of the Father”? What are some temptations that steer you away from making the correct choice?
- How can you become more aware of Christ’s taking your place, and live more gratefully in that truth?
- Have you ever been falsely accused of wrong-doing, or punished for something that was not your fault? How can those moments draw us closer to Jesus?
The Isenheim Altarpiece includes one of the most agonizing depictions of Jesus’ crucifixion, revealing the depth and breadth of his love for us.
- What are your first impressions of this piece of art? What are some lasting impressions now that you’ve watched this episode?
- Is it important to recall Jesus’ execution is such brutal detail? Why or why not?
- How can larger pieces of art like this one affirm or promote one’s faith?
Celebrated as the most recognized statue in all of Christian history, the Pieta evokes powerful emotions of love and loss, compassion and sacrifice.
- What emotions are evoked when you look at Jesus in this statue? Mary?
- In what ways does Mary reveal her Son, Jesus?
- Why do you suppose this statue is so popular and beloved? What about it makes it truly a priceless piece of art?
- How do you suppose non-Christians view the Pieta?