My vocation journey began during my high school years at St. Lawrence Seminary at Mount Calvary, Wisconsin, where the seed was nurtured with prayer and discernment. My journey continued when I entered the College Formation Program at St. Francis De Sales Seminary while attending Marquette University. The strong relationships I forged during the formation program still exist today.
My spiritual journey has not been linear by any means. As my spiritual director has gently reminded me throughout the years, “God draws straight with crooked lines.” After continued discernment, my vocation journey took me to St. Norbert Abbey in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where I was ordained to the priesthood May 7, 1994. My 12 years at the abbey were filled with many blessings – from teaching theology and speech classes to leading retreats at Notre Dame de La Baie Academy. I concluded my time in Green Bay ministering to students at St. Norbert College’s Campus Ministry.
Prayer and discernment led me back to the Milwaukee Archdiocese as the assistant pastor at St. William Parish. Subsequently, I became pastor of St. Veronica Parish. After a brief but rewarding time as administrator of Our Lady Queen of Peace, I was appointed pastor of Blessed Sacrament. I have recently completed my assignment as pastor of St Monica and St. Eugene.
Throughout my 30 years of priesthood, I have been blessed with many joyful experiences. One experience in particular is my ministry with Heart of the Nation Television Mass. Heart of the Nation produces and televises weekly Sunday Mass nationwide, providing compassionate spiritual care for Catholics unable to participate in holy Mass at a parish. I am profoundly humbled by the countless number of parishioners who have shared with me how important the TV masses have been in lifting their spirits during their hospital stays or while recuperating from illnesses at home.
Here is a trivia question for you: Who is my largest television audience? You guessed correctly if you responded, “prison inmates.” Ministering to the prison population has been one of my most challenging experiences as a priest. I receive countless letters and emails from inmates reaching out to me for words of hope and encouragement. In fact, I am in regular contact with a man on death row in Florida. I pray with them. I listen to them. I learn from them. I am amazed at what the human spirit can endure and often find myself reflecting upon what St Paul endured while he was imprisoned. I am grateful to these inmates for enriching my priesthood. God really does work in mysterious ways!
Speaking of mysteries, who would have thought I would be a canon lawyer? Certainly not me! God may have blessed me with a strong intellect, but not good study habits. Reading scholarly articles and authoring research papers do not come naturally to me; however, I am grateful I accepted the Archbishop’s invitation to study canon law. As a result, I have had the good fortune of collaborating with the talented individuals in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Tribunal as the Judicial Vicar and the privilege of rectifying situations that prevent Catholics from full and active participation in the life of the church.
As I author this article, my spiritual director’s words are at the forefront of my mind – “God draws straight with crooked lines.” I feel so blessed that God has called me to St. Anthony on the Lake. Your community is known fondly throughout the archdiocese. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Fr. Tony, excited to join your faith community and looking forward to getting to know you. God Bless you!
Fr. Mark Payne
Associate Pastor
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