Ministry Opportunities

Welcome! Liturgical Ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another, God and the Church in the Holy Mass. Parishioner participation in the Mass at St. Anthony on the Lake helps our parish ensure that we bring this precious gift from God to us to our parish.

Please check out the descriptions of our ministies, and if you are interested in serving, please fill out our Liturgical Minister Interest Form.

If you are already serving, your schedules can be found in our Church Management System, mySAL.

Ministry Descriptions for Prayer & Worship

Prayer & Worship Committee:

Oversees the communal worship of the parish and coordinates the various subcommittees and liturgical ministries. Meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm for Common Leadership Night.

Minister of the Word/Lector:

Proclaims the Word of God at liturgies. Confirmed, high school age and older are welcome. Training & resources are provided. Scheduled about once per month.

Eucharistic Ministers:

Laity are privileged to share the Body and Blood of Christ with the faithful. Any confirmed member of the community is welcome. Training is provided. Scheduled about once per month.

If you are a Liturgical Minister, you can find your schedule in your mySAL group.

Altar Server

Serve during Masses. Training is provided for adults and youth.

Were you a server when you were younger? Would you like to be more involved in the Mass? Do you have an interest in serving at the altar?

Consider becoming a server. Servers provide a vital service during the Mass, leading the procession, assisting the deacon and priest at the altar, and helping to prepare the sanctuary before Mass begins. We would like to expand our current number of servers and are looking for people of all ages, male and female, young and old. This would be a great opportunity for couples. Parents and children are highly encouraged to consider this ministry. Training is available for anyone interested.

For more information contact the Music and Liturgy Office at 262.691.1173 X1109 or Vincent LaTona at

Greets community members as they gather for worship, assists visitors, and provides information. Scheduled once every two to three months.

Cross Bearer:

High school and older carries the processional cross at Mass. Scheduled about once every two months.

Please contact the Parish Office for schedule


High school and older, male/female, welcomes and assists parishioners and collects their gifts at Mass. Scheduled for two months during the year. Please contact the Parish Office for schedule

Offertory Gift Bearer:

Individuals or families bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar during the Mass.

Families and individuals have the opportunity to bring the gifts of bread and wine forward during the offertory. If you would like to take part, simply sign up before Mass. A binder will be located on the gifts table near the baptismal font as you enter church, simply sign up so that the ushers know that the position is filled. We need at least two people for every Mass, or one family. Ushers will always be available to help and instruct you.

Church Art & Environment:

Meets and plans church decorations for Advent, Christmas, Easter, and other feasts and season events in the church calendar. Talents include creating and sewing banners, wreaths, floral arrangements, shopping for

supplies, keeping plants and flowers watered, and installing and removing all decorations.

Altar Angel:

Cleans the altar, church linens, and sacred vessels and replaces the candles. Assigned two months each year.

Please contact the Parish Office for schedule

Prayer Line:

We treasure the prayers of those who are not able to participate in other ways, except through this prayer network. You will be e-mailed on an “as needed for prayers” basis, and asked to pray at home for those on our prayer line.

Mission Planning Team:

Meets to discuss the focus, organization and implementation of the Lenten Mission.

Childcare Helper:

Cares for children during all Masses on an occasional basis. Please contact Debbie Kusch at or Ann Grunwaldt at

  • Childcare Help for Masses
  • Childcare Help for Meetings and Events
  • Children's Liturgy of The Word Helper

Adult Choir:

Rehearses Sept-May each Thursday at 7:00pm in the church, and occasional Saturday mornings during Advent and Lent. Usually sings at 9:00am Mass on Sundays, various events, and celebrations during the year.

Adult Cantor:

Proclaims the psalm and leads the assembly in song at Mass. Rehearsal CDs are provided at regularly scheduled meetings. Must be a member of the adult choir.


Musicians of all kinds are encouraged to accompany at Mass. Rehearsals vary. Various styles of music welcome!

Resurrection Choir:

Sings on an as-needed basis. Rehearses a few times a year, and prior to funerals.

Contemporary Praise Group:

For anyone interested in a contemporary prayer and worship experience.

Handbell Choir:

Practices on Saturdays prior to Christmas, Easter, and other major feasts and celebrations. Prior experience or ability to read music is appreciated, but not necessary.

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