Becoming Catholic (RCIA)

“Come and See” What Being Catholic is All About!

Are you interested in learning more about how someone joins the Catholic Church?  You may be a member of another Christian denomination, another faith tradition, or are seeking a faith tradition for the first time. Maybe you are an adult who was baptized Catholic, but never completed your sacramental initiation in Confirmation and Eucharist. Or, you may be family or friend to someone described above.

The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is a journey of deepening one’s spiritual life. Anyone interested in exploring the possibility of joining the Roman Catholic community here at St. Anthony on the Lake is invited to contact Al McCauley, at 262-691-9170 x1142 or

What is RCIA?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process established for the universal Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation — Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. This initiation process also involves a parish community experiencing a renewal in faith as it prepares and welcomes new members into the Church.

The Rite speaks of conversion as a “spiritual journey.” Centered on fostering a deep relationship with Jesus and the Church, this journey takes place through distinct stages over a period of time suitable to bring about a thorough catechesis, significant experience of the parish community, and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Catholic faithful.

Adults (age 18 and older)

Adults who are seeking initiation into the Catholic Church are prepared through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The following adults are invited to be a part of the RCIA process:

Any adult not yet baptized and who wishes to become Catholic

Any adult baptized in another Christian Church who wishes to become Catholic

Any adult baptized in the Catholic Church, but not raised in the faith and who seeks full initiation into the Church

Adults are prepared for the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.

Children and Youth (ages 7-18)

Children are prepared for initiation through our regular Lifelong Faith Formation process with additional formation with a catechist and sponsor family.

Children are prepared for First Eucharist and Confirmation, where appropriate.

Contact our Lifelong Faith Formation Department at (262) 691-9170 or Maureen Michaels at for more information.

RCIA Dismissals

Our catechumen (non-baptized individuals) and our candidates (baptized in a different faith tradition) meet regularly when they desire full initiation into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.

During Lent, you will observe them being dismissed following the homily to reflect on the Scripture readings proclaimed at Mass. The dismissal is an important part of the preparation of these Seekers and reinforces their desire to be in full communion with the faithful.

Their dismissal prior to the Liturgy of the Eucharist increases the anticipation of joining all the faithful at the Lord’s table when they are initiated at the Easter Vigil. It also serves to deepen our recognition and appreciation of receiving the gift of Jesus Himself in the Eucharist – something not to be taken for granted, as it is the source and summit of our Catholic faith.

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