I was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate in 2000 by Archbishop Weakland with my first assignment at St John Neumann parish in Waukesha. In 2004 Fr. Joe Hornacek requested that a deacon be assigned to this great parish – and I heard that call.
I have been married to my beloved Sue for almost 40 years and together we have been blessed with three wonderful children, and now an ever-increasing number of grandchildren. My ministry is womb to tomb: I baptize; prepare engaged couples; witness marriages; involved in the parish marriage enrichment ministry; visit the homebound and hospitalized; spiritual advisor to our parish’s St Vincent de Paul conference; and preside at funerals. Proud of my Irish heritage I am active in the Celtic community of Milwaukee. When I am not doing these activities I also happen to work fulltime as the medical documentation educator for a nationwide healthcare provider.
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