Ann is the Director of Early Child and Family Ministry. In this role Ann serves as a member of the Family Program Team, focusing on curriculum for children in 3K-5K. In addition, Ann facilitates Guardians and Angels, assists in the coordination of Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Baptism preparation, and Catechist formation. Ann is passionate about Early Childhood education and is looking forward to creating developmentally appropriate experiences to help young children know Jesus and his love for them.
Ann has a Master of Arts in Education Degree from Mount Mary University and has twenty years teaching experience in Early Childhood and Second grade. Ann is a longtime Faith Formation volunteer serving as Catechist, Confirmation Small Group and Mission Trip Leader, Design Team and Lifelong Faith Committee member.
Ann and her husband Dave have been parish members at St. Anthony’s on the Lake for over twenty-five years. They have two grown children who attended St. Anthony’s School and participated in Family Program. They enjoy spending time outdoors, especially with family and friends.
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